Friday 29 May 2015

Begin Again

Music Has Never Felt So Good

Director: John Carney
Release Date: 2014
Rating: 15
Running Time: 105 mins
Genre: Comedy/Music
Actors: Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightly, Adam Levine, James Cordon

It's often a treat when you sit down to watch a film that you put on to kill time and it turns out to be an instant favourite. Begin Again is a an easy to watch, light hearted and most of all feel good film that will fill you a huge sense of  love for these characters all on the path to turning their lives around and getting somewhere with the talents they have. You'll be able to, as it all comes together, feel, see and hear the ambition and passion that went into making it. 

You can see so crystal clearly how much music can influence and uplift peoples moods. When it's just you and the music, troubles can be instantly forgotten and moods straight away lifted. The film has a real raw uniqueness to it, you're able to see: the struggles, the ambition, and the happiness from what this team of musicians are achieving, that really comes out in the cinematography, giving the film an edge of 'realness'. It shows how easy you can make life when you're driven and motivated to make something great, which is shown when Mark Ruffalo and Keira Knightly take to the streets with a small group of talented musicians and a low budget recording system to do what they do best, make music.

It's a film tied together through friendship, love, music and of course a fresh start. Needless to  say that a key ingredient to make this happen is a cast of likeable and faces to carry the message through, and its easy to see that John Carney managed to get this just right. The film was able to offer up a whole bunch particularly great yet different actors to get the diversity of relationships that intertwine in this rom-com. Keira Knightly proved herself not only as an actor but also as a very unlikely yet incredible singer, writing music to help get over the problems that have taken over her life. Mark Ruffalo remains the king of on-screen coolness in his role as the passionate music producer on the road to turning his life around with his wife, daughter, job and love of music. And though still fairly new to the scene, James Cordon can be seen rising through the Hollywood ranks offering a humorous edge with an instantly lovable performance as the busking Brit who like so many, is trying to make it in New York City.

Though all the characters have their baggage, its clear that when the music takes over and they work in unison all is soon forgotten and gradually you see the problems begin to fade away. It's a film with plenty inside and will surely make you feel something. With light hearted humour and fantastically written and Oscar nominated soundtrack, you can't help but enjoy this film. If you're looking for light comedy and in need of uplifting, you can't get more perfect that Begin Again.


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