Monday 16 March 2015


How far would you go to be great?

"I push people beyond what's expected of them, I believe that's an absolute necessity"

Director: Damien Chazelle
Release Date: 2015
Rating: 15
Running Time: 100 mins
Genre: Thriller/Music/Drama
Starring: Miles Teller, JK Simmons

We all had that teacher growing up that we wanted to impress, but never once did we hear the words "Good Job" get spoken to us. Maybe we weren't good enough or maybe they just never took enough notice to realise what we are actually worth. For Shaffer professor and conductor Terrance Fletcher (Simmons), he believes that there are no two words in the English language more harmful. It get's to the point where you have to ask how far can a young talent be pushed to become great? Moreover, how far can a young talent push themselves before they end up falling over the edge? In this case, almost too far.

Set  at Chafer University, one of the top music universities in the world, a young drummer tries everything in his power to prove to his teacher that he can be one of the greats. He pushes himself and pushes himself until his hands bleed but still cannot gain any form of praise from his teacher nor meet with his overly high standards.You could question how good a film about a drummer could really be when presented in the form of a thriller, answer, very good indeed. Something about the directing, quick pace editing and punchy jazz symphonies made for a gripping watch indeed, so much so that the powerful song the young musicians are constantly forced to play, "WHIPLASH", can be heard every time the film gets mentioned.

Probably most famously know for his role as J.Jonah Jameson Jr in Sam Raimi's Spiderman, it's not unfair to say that JK Simmons hasn't really been the front man of any film, but that's all changed now as he's been awrded with not only the BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor but an Accademy Award as well. The role of Terrence Fletcher, is not only a tough one to play, but it's also a very controversial one to view. Everyone who see's Whiplash is going to have there own opinion of the man, some may not like him, some will agree with him and others may just think he's an absolute arsehole. Anyway you look at it, one thing's for sure, JK Simmons sure can shout.

As well as Simmons performance being noticed for his talent, Miles Teller, soon to turn Mr Fantastic later in the year, is starting what appears to be a very good run in Hollywood and was completely brilliant in what could also be called a rather controversial role, alongside supporting actor JK. Having come from US teen party films, he's now entering a strong career of acting ahead of him. And having just hosted the "Sci-Tech" film awards along with Margot Robbing (The Wolf of Wall Street, Focus) he's becoming a very recognised face in popular film culture.

I think Whiplash is a film that all adults can enjoy. It's gripping, tense, frightening and in some parts even funny. An all round well made film that will stay with you for a long time. Thoroughly deserved awards, a fantastically made film.


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