Release Date: 2010
Rating: 15
Running Time: 95mins
Genre: Drama/Biographic
Actors: James Franco
Danny Boyle gives James Franco a chance to show his versatility in what could very well be his greatest role to date. What's so great about Franco in '127 Hours' is the way that we're able to see him tackle and such an intense story but still have the same entertaining and comical charm he carry's with him in all his films. In a way, the film came at a perfect time for James Franco in his career as he was only really known as 'that guy from Spiderman' and of course Saul in the hilarious 'Pineapple Express'. For me, this was the first time I really got to see James Franco properly act and be the lead protagonist, and it's got to be said the man was incredibly well suited to the role and he did a fantastic job.
Adrenalin-junkie and adventure man Aaron Ralston loves looking for adventure and finding new and exciting places to explore. In a way, the guy has no fear of anything and perhaps even looks at himself as invincible, but when on a hiking expedition he falls into a canyon and finds his arm trapped under a rock, Aaron lands trapped completely cut off from everyone and can only rely on himself and the few supplies in his bag to find a away out of it. Finally after nearly 5 days he comes to the conclusion that there's only one way out of it...self amputation.
When most people think about '127 Hours' they probably think about a man cutting his arm off and decide straight away that it's a film that they are not going to watch and it's only for the fans of gore who will be into it, but that's not really true. Yes, it's fair to say that with '127 Hours' you may need to have a strong stomach and you may end up having to look away and shield your eyes, but that will only be for a tiny part of the film and the rest you may be surprised at just how much you actually enjoy it. It's a very moving film but also in parts it's also very funny, people do often wonder how much can actually be shown in the film due to it only really being about a hiker cutting his arm off, but really we get to learn a lot about Aaron's life and see the journey he has to go on to realise that he's not ready to die. James Franco performed superbly throughout and helped and directed by the brilliant Danny Boyle. Like other films by the director Danny Boyle is able to capture the story in his own interesting way, with interesting shots involving one of inside a cammel-back and one even being actually inside Aaron's own arm. It's fair to say that the shots in this film are very unique, but also very creative. Similarly, like most of Danny Boyle's film there also a great soundtrack included, much like other films such as 'Slumdog Millionaire' and 'The Beach'.
Basically if you haven't seen '127 Hours' it's definitely one worth checking out, it was fantastically shot in terms of locations and has a very real feel to how it was made that will really pull at your emotions. Also make sure you keep your eyes open for a giant Scooby-Doo.
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