Thursday 29 January 2015

A Long Way Down

You'll Wish They Just Jumped

Director: Pascal Chaumeil
Release Date: 2014
Rating: 15
Running Time: 95 mins
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Aaron Paul, Imogen Poots, Toni Collette

"We belong together, we're a team. I mean, we're the worst team ever and if I was picking none of you would've made it onto the subs bench but still."

I'll be honest, I'd heard this film wasn't all it was cracked up to be long before I actually came to watching it. But you have got to ask yourself how good can a film really be when it's about 4 suicidal people pledging they won't kill themselves no matter how bad life is? Answer, not very. I decided I'd still give it a watch none the less, even if it was just in the hope that Aaron Paul would redeem himself after Need For Speed.

It wasn't that it was a bad film but I would've thought the Britishness in the film would bring out some of the dark humour us brits love, and it did, perhaps a little too much though. Though whole film was so morbid and depressing, even when they try to be happy they can't. It just felt like a drama about 4 people with serious problems that should really be in therapy rather than flying off together for a holiday away from all the drama back home. It did, I suppose, carry a message (though not very well), that no matter how hard life can be, you can solve your problems..if you see a therapist, not going travelling with three other people as damaged as yourself. Sad to say you will have to sit through a lot of stuff that might make you want to jump off a roof.

Overall, there just wasn't anything too it. A Long Way Down was never going to win Oscars, but you'd think there would be more too it than what we can all predict just from the poster. I'll try not to spoil it, but everything you think will happen probably does and you're also probably not going to come out of watching it a changed person. But hey, as long as they had fun making it right?

Come on Aaron, we all know you can do better, you were Jesse Pinkman for crying out loud!


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